
Thursday, 23 March 2017


Hello strangers!

Well, it looks like my one week break ended up being a little more than a week, didn't it?! But I am determined to get back into my weekly/fortnightly blogging, so expect to see a lot more from me!

I only went and got another needle shoved into my body like the idiot I am, so I'm now up to 15 piercings again (yay!). For months, I was deciding whether I wanted a medusa piercing or a vertical labret piercing. Vertical labret had been my personal preference for a long time, though I was really scared it would completely mess up my lips. After turning to the lovely people of Twitter, a vote stated that 80% of my followers thought a medusa piercing would suit me more. And that was my decision made for me.


As someone who has had many the piercing in many the sensitive place, you'd think I would be completely calm about getting a needle shoved into my face. Well, my lovelies, you couldn't be more wrong. I was terrified. After weeks of googling how much it hurt, and stories from other people, I was petrified. But off to the piercing shop I went, with my friend who was getting her nose pierced.

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The lovely ladies at reception told us that we could go in together. I asked one of them, who had her medusa done, how much it hurt, and she told me more than my septum did... which my eyes streamed for. I'd done my makeup really nicely, and there was a very pretty boy working at the shop, so I really didn't want to leave as I did when I had my septum done- with black streaks down either cheek. My friend got her piercing first, and I thought I would see whether our piercer was an aggressive stabber or a calm and gentle piercer. Bare in mind, nose piercings are one of the least painful... the look on my friends face suggested this lady was an extremely stabby stabby person. I could feel my heart in my mouth.

I went and sat down on the chair and the lady marked out a little dot in the middle of my cupids bow. At first, it looked a little off centre, so she moved it slightly. Personally, I still thought it was slightly off, but both the piercer and my friend said it looked dead on and I went with their judgement. Out came the clamp, and my upper lip was lifted straight. I saw my friend looking down at her phone, I breathed in, and in went the needle. And then my friend looked up, and it was done. It didn't hurt at all. Not at all. I didn't flinch or cry. I was in shock!

Filled with adrenaline, we left the shop. It began to hurt slightly- it felt tight, like there was a leech sucking at my cupids bow that I just couldn't get rid of, but that was understandable.

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So, when you get a medusa piercing, you need to wash both the inside and the outside with a salt water solution. The outside just needs a little cotton bud soaked in the solution, while the inside requires you to use the solution as a mouthwash for at least 30 seconds. You need to brush your teeth and SSS whenever you eat, but you shouldn't do it more than 4 times a day as it could dry it out and irritate it. It requires a lot of mothering.

Eating was fairly hard, because you need to learn to move your mouth slightly differently, and the bar gets in the way a little. Biting on that thing HURTS. I still do it sometimes by accident hahahah!

For those who are worried about swelling... mine swelled up, a LOT. I had work the next day and people honestly thought I had had lip fillers. They said it looked good, though. My swelling was there for about a week, though it stayed slighly swollen for a few weeks after that. I kind of miss the extremely swollen lip look.

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Now, my piercing got a little irritated. This part is just to make you aware of what to do if you get into a similar situation. There was a strange lump on the inside, and it was like my gum was growing over the bar. This had been my biggest fear when getting this piercing. You couldn't feel it at all, but if I lifted my lip, it was just chillin' there. I contacted the piercers who were wonderful, and they said crush up an aspirin and make it into a paste with warm water and hold it on for a couple of minutes. The solution tasted vile, but sure enough, doing this 2-3 times a day made the lump go away!

Please enjoy this beautiul photo of my swollen lip lump (but you need to see in case yours ever does the same!)

I adore this piercing so much. It looks amazing both with and without a septum piercing (I am going to make a post about my septum jewellery in the near future). If you ever have any questions about this piercing, or any other piercings, feel free to contact me on my contact page or on my social media (Twitter/Instagram). If you want to see any more posts like this about my other piercings, let me know!