Thursday 8 December 2016


Hello one and all!

It has been a long time since I have written a post (I'm sorry, there's been a lot of assignments due in!) I have attempted to film an updated makeup tutorial, but will probably re-film since I was not happy with the footage.

I thought this post might interest a few people, so it was worth sharing. We all know how in the Tudor period, public hangings were almost the entertainment of the time... just a day out for the family... watching someone die...

Watching people die is not something we do anymore - it's scary and morbid. But sometimes, things do go wrong. Recently, I have been looking up cases where people have died on TV, and here are some of the goriest examples.


1) The LA Freeway Suicide
This footage was from 1998. The man in this video, Daniel V Jones, was a 40 year old maintenance worker dying from AIDs. He wanted to take a stand against medical mistreatment. The police chase was being aired live on TV, and families watched as Jones set fire to his truck, in turn setting fire to himself, before pulling out a gun and shooting himself in the head.

2) The Fox News Suicide
After the previous footage, news channels were supposed to have a gap between live footage and the footage broadcasted. This meant that if anything DID happen, they would be able to stop the footage so people at home would not see. However, in 2012, Fox News seemed to forget to add the delay, and to the horror of those watching, they saw 33 year old Jodon F Romero shoot himself on live TV. After an hour long car chase, Romero drove off road, and that is where the incident took place.

3) Robert Budd Dwyer
This is a very famous video which circulated Facebook numerous times. In 1987, Robert Budd Dwyer called a news conference. At the end of his speech, he pulled out a gun from an envelope, placed it into his mouth, and shot himself in the head. The reporters around him and those watching at home stared on in horror as blood poured out his nose like a waterfall. Of all the videos, this is the one that got to me the most.

4) Indian Politician
This one is another one that really got to me. It's fairly long, so skip to about 1 minute in. This Indian politician, Vijayan Mash was talking to a crowd of people at a press conference when he just died of natural causes (.. though many expect someone put something in his drink). He looked fine before, and then he was just gone. It's almost like you can see his soul leaving his body.

5) Tommy Cooper
This is yet another famous death. Tommy Cooper was a well loved comedian. In 1984, while performing in Her Majesty's Theatre, Cooper suffered from a heart attack. The most gripping part of this, was the audience believed it was part of the act. They looked on, laughing, not realising they were actually watching the beloved comedian die in front of their eyes.

I'd like to make a few more posts like this about different things, such as cults, mass suicides etc. This is what I enjoy learning about, something about these topics really do fascinate me, and I hope other people enjoy learning about it too!

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I'll get back into post writing soon, I promise!