Thursday 1 September 2016


Hello lovelies!

I have always loved the idea of urban exploring. I find derelict buildings hauntingly beautiful- they're just the remnants of what once was; an empty shell full of memories of the life that once existed there.

I grew up with a fairly strict family, my mum was always worried about where I was going and would panic at the idea of me ever going to an abandoned places, due to this idea that they're over run with drug addicts and people who would hurt you. Aged 19, I was allowed to go on my first Urbex visit. My friend took me to this abandoned building in the middle of a field, fairly close to a very busy road. He only knew it existed due to a rave (surprise surprise) but it was cool nevertheless.

At first, you need to break through a metal fence- which was terrifying for little sheltered Sian, and must have looked very dodgy to those driving past! There was a lot that was blocked off, and very overgrown plants, but when you trekked through all that, you approached this completely destroyed building.

I have no idea what this building used to be, but the ceiling of one room was completely broken down. There was a chair in the room, which was strange, since it didn't look that old!

Behind that room was one which had no ceiling whatsoever. We had to be extremely careful here as the building was still very unstable.

There was one last room to this building, which I must admit, was probably my favourite part of the whole visit. It was sturdier than the other rooms, though did look like it could collapse at any second. The smell of sewage echoed around the eerie darkness. In this room, there was an old, camel coloured coat hanging from the wall. I don't know how it got there, who put it there, or how long it's been there, but I just found it beautiful.

As I've previously said, I have no idea what this building used to be as it was not the original building we came to see. I have tried researching, but nothing has come up. I think it makes me love it more, though!

We continued on our journey through a large open space field, before approaching a scary looking building in the distance. With every step closer, the noise of crashing and banging got louder. "Do you want to go back?" my friend asked me, but there was no way I was missing out on this opportunity! We pushed away the final plants that blocked our view, to see a band with all of their equipment filming a music video! How cool?! We did ask nicely whether we could explore if we kept out their way, and they said yes, so the adventure continued!

We decided to go to the basement first, since the music video was being recorded on the floor above. This was just a large damp room covered in graffiti.

Coming off of this room, there was a broken wall, which led into a pitch black corridor. I was filled with energy and exhilaration, and walked straight into it. I'm not kidding when I say you literally could not see a thing and could only hear a faint dripping and the splashes of your feet hitting the wet floor below. I turned on my phone light to find I was walking down what was once the toilets. In the last cubical, there was almost a secret door which led to a secret room. Whatever was in there had collapsed, but it was so eerie shining in a little iPhone torch.

We headed up the stairs to the second floor to avoid getting in the way of the band. Up here, there were lots of walls which were broken down, and thin 'corridors' to walk along. This really was just an empty shell of a building that was once so beautiful. There was an amazing graffiti eye on one of the walls opposite which I absolutely adored. Enough of me waffling for a while, here are a bunch of pictures!

Oh, and not forgetting the super cool view outside!

I made a vlog about it, so if you'd like to see the whole building, then watch the video below! I hope you're all having a wonderful week.
- Sian x