Thursday 15 September 2016


Hello! I am an avid collector of piercings, and I am currently on 14 (though have had a total of 16). I thought it might be useful to some people if I had a post that spoke about all 16 piercings I have had, where I rate them on their pain scale (10 being most painful), healing time (10 being most difficult), and overall recommendation (10 being go get it done), with a little bit about my experience!


Pain: 2/10
Healing: 2/10
Overall: 10/10

Let's be real here, if lobe piercings were that bad, they wouldn't allow little babies to have it done (don't get me wrong, I don't agree with parents getting their kids ears pierced before they're even old enough to understand, but you know). It's more the anxious build up than the pain itself, it's like plucking one hair out and that's the pain over. Other than a slight warmth, there is not really much to the healing time. I'd recommend anyone who wants a lobe piercing to get them done.

Pain: 4/10
Healing: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

Now my review of helix piercings might differ to other people. The first helix piercing I got was done at my go-to piercers, and they did a wonderful job. It hardly hurt at all! I then got 2 more helix piercings at a small piercers away from home, where they used almost a Victorian contraption- a large needle and a metal tube which they held on the back of the ear for the needle to go through. This was really, really uncomfortable and hurt a lot more than I imagined, not to mention the healing time. The issue I found with helix piercings is that because it's difficult to avoid sleeping on that side, they get irritated very easily (and you get the dreaded bump... which tea tree fixes!). I would recommend it, but maybe get used to sleeping on the other side first!

Pain: 5/10
Healing: 5/10
Overall: 9/10

Remember that rumour where apparently you can hear a 'pop' when you get your tragus done? Yeah, that's a lie. I found getting my tragus pierced quite soothing, in a way. It was a little uncomfortable- just a harsh pinch, and then you feel the jewellery going through and then it's done! It was my first clamp piercing, which is strange if you haven't had one before. I never really had any issues with it, the only bummer is the fact you need to avoid putting your earphone in that ear for a week because it's a little sore!

Pain: 9/10
Healing: 10/10
Overall: 6/10

This is my worst piercing I've ever had. I love it, don't get me wrong. But 2 months in and it's still too swollen to switch to a smaller bar. It was really uncomfortable getting done, and seemed to take longer than other piercings. But the pain after... I had headache after headache after headache. I was in too much pain, I couldn't sleep. The healing time is ridiculous. It was about 2-3 weeks before I got a somewhat decent good-nights sleep, and I still can't sleep on that ear. 2 months later, it's still very swollen, it's easily irritated so almost constantly has the dreaded bump, too. Please think very carefully before getting this piercing done.

Pain: 4/10
Healing: 3/10
Overall: 7/10

This piercing did not hurt at all! It would get caught on my blusher brush when I was doing my makeup, and sometimes my hair would get caught around it. I noticed this one rejecting about 4 months after I had it done- the amount of bar showing alongside the balls increased a lot, but it was about a year before it had literally fully pulled its way out. If you're not looking for a permanent piercing but you want a cute one for a while, this one is great! It does leave a scar, though.

Pain: 7/10
Healing: 5/10
Overall: 3/10

This one was not worth it at all. My piercer told me I was the only person to have it done- she hadn't found it online before or anything, and she'd looked  a lot. The piercing stage was awkward, it took about 5-10 mins to actually clamp and insert the bar, and I had my head in my piercers chest the entire time! It only took a few months for this one to fully reject, too. As cool as it looked, I do not recommend getting this one done.

(Helix x3, Lobe x3, Horizontal Staple Bar)


Pain: 3/10
Healing: 3/10
Overall: 10/10

My friends and I went and got our noses pierced together, and both of their eyes watered but mine didn't. It fully depends on the person, but the piercing itself doesn't hurt at all. It's a slight pinch, followed by almost a tight, heated feeling for a while. It begins to feel slightly achey, too, but it's not unbearable. I definitely recommend getting it done! The only issue is it takes a while to get used to something being there, so you get it caught frequently which is pretty painful, and putting a screw nose stud in is terrible at first!

Pain: 5/10
Healing: 5/10
Overall: 8/10

This is the only piercing I have ever cried at! It was a spontaneous piercing, and my eyes would not stop streaming (please remember just how much eyeliner I wear, too!). Despite that, it hasn't been too bad. I've had it for 3 weeks now, and at first my nose didn't like it very much- I sneezed a lot more, and I would cry if I knocked it... especially if crusties had appeared or I was cleaning it. It was pretty bruised, and I noticed my nose had increased in size a bit. I'd wake up and feel like my face was dirty and gross, too... However, 3 weeks later and I feel like I've had it for ages! It's absolutely fine and I'm so excited to change the horseshoe.

(Nose and Septum)


Pain: 3/10
Healing: 3/10
Overall: 9/10

I'll be honest, I don't understand why people say nipple piercings are painful. Mine did not hurt... at all. In fact, other than nose/ears, I think it's my least painful piercing. They have to clamp it which is rather uncomfortable, and, if you're like me, the whole getting your boobs out thing is a bit awkward, but other than that, it was worth it! I do recommend sleeping with a bra on if you decide to get a nipple piercing as it does catch a lot (at least mine does). The sensitivity can change a lot, my nipple has lessened in sensitivity (hence why I only have the one pierced) but it can increase it for other people. I found salt soaking it to be quite stressful since you need to kind of fill a pot with the SSS and hold it on it. It seemed to heal really quickly, though. It can get irritated a lot, and if you're clumsy like me, you can get it caught easily (I totally didn't get it caught on the microwave earlier). If it's something you really want, or if you think it would make you feel better about your chest, I'd recommend getting it done!

If you ever have any questions about any piercings, feel free to ask me!
- Sian x